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BTeS_02Are you fed up of sufferingbecauseof some theory about nutrition and dietetics completely made up by someone’s imagination? Then this blog can really change your life. I am aMedical Doctor (Clinical Nutritionist) from Italy, with over 20 years of experience in treating obesity.

This is why I can assure you that the secret of a slim, healthy and happy life stems from just one  word: “simple”. You don’t have to waste your time reading huge books trying to find the revolutionary diet.

You don’t necessarily have to become vegan or to eat just meat from morning till night avoiding all carbs.  You may also enjoy the pleasure of a Mediterranean diet with plenty of pasta and easy recipes.  Your diet and lifestyle can prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and can make you happier.

In Italy we have wonderful and healthy traditional dishes and we still cook at home to actually know what‘s inside our food. In this blog I’ll show you that the Italian way to eat suits perfectly the best scientific information in the subject (i.e. theory and practice together). Do you want to try? Come in! You will be surprised in learning that you can eat plenty of tasty but simple food and still be slim and healthy.

Culture (Knowledge) is the key to change the world and your life.

This blog is aimed to everyone, but mainly to young families with small children.

Antonio Pratesi MD
